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We all, from privates to generals are invisibly among you …


In July 1941, on the northern edge of Smolensk sparked severe fightings.

Contrary to the Nazi claim propaganda that Smolensk was taken at once, the units of the Red Army fought with the enemy for two weeks after the southern part of the city was abandoned. The Nazis, pulling additional parts and taken the strength on the main area, had an overwhelming numerical superiority in manpower and machines. The special assault groups burned out houses and basements by the flamethrowers. The German aviation did not meet any resistance: at the beginning of the Smolensk Battle, the Soviet commanding just had not any aircraft there! There were no tanks or anti-tank artillery: German cars had to be shot from howitzers by the point-blank range.

Soon a shortage of ammunition became visible: the artillery had just one projectile weapon remained for the «self-defense». Attempts to push out the Nazis from the city were unsuccessful: the air was hosted by German bombers and attack aircrafts and they destroyed our columns with fuel and ammunition, and soon the only way to connect the main Soviet forces, was also intersected. The 16th and 20th Armies, fighting in the Smolensk region, were surrounded. Finally they had to leave the city. Our last part left Smolensk through Pokrovka …

Fraternal military cemetery, located in Frunze street between the house number 42a and hospital campuses, was formed in 1941. In September 1943, the Soviet soldiers who died during the battles for the Smolensk liberation were buried here and later here was also buried those, who died in Smolensk hospitals.

The remains of 5652 soldiers and officers of the Red Army are in this cemetery. On the tombstones there are the names not of all heroes, but the work on the identification of the fighters is still continuing. teh


Among those, who is known – is a Major-General Trofim Leontievich Vlasov, the head of the 16th Army artillery, that defended Smolensk in July 1941. T. L. Vlasov died heroically in July 14 at the moment of Nazi attacks reflection of motorized units on the southern edge of the city. His ash was moved to the cemetery in the Frunze street in 1975. The T.L. Vlasov’s tomb is located at the entrance, and there is a granite stele with an engolden inscription: «Major General Vlasov Trofim Leontievich, born in 1901, died in 14.7.1941″


Currently, the burials, located in the Frunze street, to the north of the 1st Clinical Hospital, are the objects of cultural heritage (the monuments of history and culture) of regional importance «The Military cemetery of 3700 Soviet Army soldiers and officers, who died during the Smolensk liberation from the Nazi invaders in 1943″ (according to the latest data 5652 Soviet soldiers) and the certain object of the cultural heritage «Tomb Vlasov Trofim Leontyevich — General, Commander of the Army artillery 16, 1941″.


The cemetery is enclosed by a metal fence with entrance gates. Above 58 mass graves gravestones there are barrows, which are installed at the base of the marble slabs with the names and initials. In the center of the cemetery complex there is a six-meter granite obelisk with the inscription: «The grateful Smolensk region to the soldiers of 16, 19, 20, 24 Army, participated in the Smolensk battles.»